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How to report any cases of financial fraud, corruption, racial discrimination and unethical behavior

There is a special policy at the Department of Finance called the Whistleblowing Policy, and after reviewing it, you can apply through the reporting form.

What is the supplier registration service?

Supplier registration request for the purpose of authorizing them to deal with government agencies in the government of Ajman (through participation in practices, tenders, supplies and provision of services)

What are the documents required to register a new supplier?

A copy of a valid trade license.

What are the fees for registering a new supplier?

100 dirhams - TA'ZIZ companies (free)

What is the Supplier Renewal Service?

Request to renew a registration in order to authorize them to deal with government agencies in the government of Ajman (through participation in practices, tenders, supplies and provision of services)

What are the documents required to renew the supplier's registration?

A copy of a valid trade license

What are the supplier registration renewal fees?


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