Customer Happiness Charter
The Department of Finance is committed to providing innovative, smart and distinguished services of high quality that achieve the happiness and confidence of all customers and exceed their expectations and strengthen trust and transparency in dealing with them.
A Happy & Proud Employee to Provide The Service
Listening to all customers and taking the necessary measures to achieve their interests.
Good reception and distinction in dealing.
Commitment to apply the principle of equality and transparency in implementing the customer services relative procedures and regulations approved by the department.
Meeting the needs of customers with all professionalism by trained, qualified and cooperative employees.
Providing innovative, smart and distinguished high-quality services.
Seeking for developing procedures in harmony with the customer's journey and providing the service according to its announced completion dates.
Receiving and welcoming the opinions, suggestions and complaints of customers, as well as addressing them through the approved official communication channels and in accordance with the approved regulations.
Commitment to provide all service requirements, according to the service manual approved by the department.
Dealing with the employees of the customers' happiness in a civilized and polite manner and respecting their privacy.
Provide us with your requirements clearly, so that we can provide the service that in harmony with your needs.
Maintaining and protecting the property of the department away from misuse or damage.
Contributing to the development of our services through the approved mechanisms and channels by which we measure the quality of our services and the level of your happiness.
Complaint handling
Call Center
Visit the department's website to obtain the service via the link https://www.ajmandof.ae/ar.
I encountered a problem while providing the service.
Call the call center 80070.
Explain my complaint to the customer service employee.
The employee informs me that my complaint has been registered and will be resolved within 3 working days.
The complaint is handled with 3 working days..
I receive a call from the customer service employee informing me of what has been done regarding the complaint.
through the website
While using one of the Department of Ajman Finance online services, I encounter a problem.
I navigated through the website.
I found a special section for opinions and comments (share your opinion)
I sent a complaint through the opinions and comments section.
I received the reply within 3 working days, and my problem is solved.
through social networks
While using one of the Ajman Finance services, I encounter a problem
I navigated towards the contact page
I found several platforms to communicate with the department through social networks.
I sent complaints through social media platforms.
I contacted with a customer service employee and the details of the complaint were known.
I received the reply, and the problem was resolved within 3 days.
Suggestions mechanism
Call Center
Visit the department's website to obtain the service via the link https://www.ajmandof.ae/ar.
I would like to submit a proposal to the Department of Finance.
Call the call center 80070.
Explain my proposal to the customer service employee.
The employee informs me that my proposal has been registered and will be resolved within 3 working days.
My proposal is dealt within 3 working days..
I receive a call from the customer service employee informing me of what has been done regarding the proposal .
through the website
When I used the services of the Electronic Finance Department, I wished to submit a proposal
I navigated through the website.
I found a special section for opinions and comments (share your opinion)
I sent a proposal through the opinions and comments section.
I received a response to the proposal within 3 days.
through social networks
When I used the services of the Finance Department, I encountered some problems
I navigated towards the contact page
I found several platforms to communicate with the department through social networks.
I sent the proposal through social media platforms.
I contacted with a customer service employee and the details of the proposal were known.
- I received a response to the proposal within 3 days.
Inquiries mechanism
Call Center
Visit the department's website to obtain the service via the link https://www.ajmandof.ae/ar. I encountered some things that were not clear to me.
I would like to submit an inquiry to the Department of Finance.
Call the call center 80070.
Explain my inquiry to the customer service employee.
The employee informs me that my inquiry has been registered and will be replied within one working day.
My inquiry is dealt within one working day.
I receive a call from the customer service employee informing me of what has been done regarding the inquiry.
through the website
When I used the services of the Electronic Finance Department, I encountered some things that were not clear to me.
I navigated through the website.
I found a special section for opinions and comments (share your opinion)
I sent a inquiry through the opinions and comments section.
I received a response to the inquiry within one working day.
through social networks
When I used the services of the Finance Department, I encountered some things that were not clear to me.
I navigated towards the contact page
I found several platforms to communicate with the department through social networks.
I sent the inquiry through social media platforms.
I contacted with a customer service employee and the details of the inquiry were known.
I received a response to the inquiry within one working day.